Pierre-Alexandre Murena


I am a junior professor in Human-Centric Machine Learning at the Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH) and head of the Group on Human-Centric Machine Learning. I work on developping AI assistants which take into account the limitations, preferences and goals of the user.

Previously, I was postdoctoral researcher in the Multi-Source Probabilistic Inference group at the University of Helsinki (Finland) led by Assoc. Prof. Arto Klami, and a postdoctoral researcher in the PML group at Aalto University (Finland), working with Prof. Samuel Kaski. I was coordinating the team on Multi-Agent Modelling within the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).

I did my PhD in Télécom ParisTech in the DIG team (former DBWeb), under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Jean-Louis Dessalles and Prof. Antoine Cornuéjols. I defended my PhD in December 2018, in front of a jury composed of Prof. Florence d'Alché-Buc (president), Prof. Amaury Habrard (reviewer), Prof. Shai Ben-David (reviewer), Prof. Gilles Richard (examiner), Assoc. Prof. Jean Lieber (examiner), Dr. Laurent Orseau (examiner). My work was rewarded by the second Best PhD award "Futur et Ruptures" of Institut Mines-Télécom (link, in French).

I am very involved in the research field of analogical reasoning. My main contribution is a novel approach based on Kolmogorov complexity. I am also interested in the theoretical question of the existence of continuous analogical proportions on manifolds, in particular manifolds of probability distributions. I am co-chair of the IJCAI-ECAI'22 Workshop on the Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning.

My papers and citations can be found on my Scholar or DBLP pages.